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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­S-Groupstext­/­Science 451/Science451-Docs04-menu.txt

File size:
2 151 bytes (2.10K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:55:41
Download count:
all-time: 150


F1 - A-10 Tank Killer     SHIFT+F1 - F-19 Stealth Fighter (1)    +++++++++++++++
F2 - Apprentice           SHIFT+F2 - F-19 Stealth Fighter (2)    + Doc Disk #4 +
F3 - Awesome              SHIFT+F3 - F-19 Stealth Fighter Hints  +By Rygar/S451+
F4 - Azure Bonds Solution SHIFT+F4 - Final Battle                +++++++++++++++
F5 - Cadaver              SHIFT+F5 - Final Countdown
F6 - Captive              SHIFT+F6 - Fruit Machine        Q - Sly Spy
F7 - Captive Helptext     SHIFT+F7 - Gold Of The Aztecs   W - Spellbound
F8 - Cricket Captain      SHIFT+F8 - Gremlins II          E - Supremacy
F9 - Debut                SHIFT+F9 - Indianapolis500      R - The Everton FC
F0 - Dragon Flight        SHIFT+F0 - Indianapolis500 Keys T - The Immortal
                                                          Y - The Immortal Help
1 - International Soccer         SHIFT+1 - Monty Python   U - Spy Who Loved Me
2 - Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf SHIFT+2 - Murder         I - Torvak The Warrior
3 - Legend Of Farghail           SHIFT+3 - Nitro          O - Venom Wings
4 - Legend Of The Lost Codes     SHIFT+4 - Olympus        P - Xiphos
5 - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge SHIFT+5 - Ooops Up Codes A - Xiphos Map
6 - Magic Fly                    SHIFT+6 - Oriental Games
7 - Manix                        SHIFT+7 - Paradroid 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
8 - Mean Streets                 SHIFT+8 - Plotting     | The Best You Can Get |
9 - Mean Streets Hints           SHIFT+9 - Prophecy     ++++++++++++++++++++++++
0 - Mean Streets Solution        SHIFT+0 - Shockwave

Remember: If You Want To Print Out A Doc, Load The File 'PP' In the 'c' Dir, and
          Select 'Data File' And Load it, it will then Uncrunch the Doc, and you
          Can save it to another Disk, and print it with your favourite Program!
          Everyone has Different Printer Drivers etc, so i didnt Include any at 
          all on this disk, Delete some docs if you want, and copy your own     
          stuff to this disk !.  Ok watch out for Doc Disk 5 in some Months! L8r
          Btw Thanks to Scooter Who wrote most of these docs..Good Work..[RYGAR]